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About Rebecca Bulleri LMT             OBMT#8050
I was diagnosed with scoliosis (an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine) at age 10 and wore back braces through adolescence. Surgeons fused six of my thoracic vertebrae (rib cage region) at age 20. My experiences helped guide me to a healing career. I chose massage because the human body, how it works and moves, fascinates me. I believe in massage and the benefits.

Our bodies communicate with us.  Sometimes we hear and sometimes we don't. Having another set of ears can help. I enjoy helping people figure out and solve their physical pains whether they are new, chronic, or a mystery. Helping someone relax to relieve symptoms of stress or pain and become more self aware is so beneficial to their long term well-being.
OBMT #8050 

Together we can accomplish your therapeutic goals.